How can I get a discount code?Please pay close attention to the promotion activities on our website to get a discount code.
What can I do if I forget to use the discount code?Please use the discount code on your next purchase before the code expires.
Why is my discount code invalid?Please read the usable product range, time and other regulations of the discount code. Please contact us next for more details.
Can I use more than one discount code on one order?Only one discount code can be used on one order.
What are the accepted payment methods?
What can I do if my payment fails?Please check your network environment, payment method, and bank settings.
About US State Sales and Use TaxesItems sold on SIHAO Marketplaces and shipped to locations both inside and outside the US, including territories, may be subject to tax.
How Tax is calculatedThe amount of tax charged on your order depends on many factors including the following:
●The identity of the seller
●The type of item or service purchased
●The time and location of fulfillment
●The shipment or delivery address of your order
These factors can change between the time you place an order and when your shipment is complete. As a result, the tax calculated on your order may change. We display an "Estimated Tax" to be collected at Check Out when confirming an order. The amounts displayed as estimated tax may then be updated later when your order is finalized and completed.
The tax rate applied to your order will be the combined state and local rates of the address where your order is delivered to or fulfilled from. For example, if you live in a state that does not impose a sales tax, you may still see tax calculated on your order if shipped to another state. Moreover, the tax rates applied to your order may also be different for a variety of reasons, such as a shipment to a residential home versus a business address. Also, the total selling price of an item will generally include item-level shipping and handling charges, item level discounts, and other charges. If applied at an order level, these charges, may be allocated to the individual items in an order.
If you are ordering from SIHAO and shipping to a country outside of the US, you may be charged the applicable country tax rate. -
Which states and US territories need to taxItems sold on SIHAO that are shipped to destinations in the following states and US territories may be subject to tax:
Alabama Kentucky Ohio Alaska Louisiana Oklahoma Arizona Maine Pennsylvania Arkansas Maryland Puerto Rico California Massachusetts Rhode Island Colorado Michigan South Carolina Connecticut Minnesota South Dakota District of Columbia Mississippi Tennessee Florida Missouri Texas Georgia Nebraska Utah Hawaii Nevada Virginia Idaho New Jersey Vermont Illinois New Mexico Washington Indiana New York West Virginia Iowa North Carolina Wisconsin Kansas North Dakota Wyoming