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Laser engraving machine and cutting machine maintenance guidance - SIHAOTEC Laser

Laser engraving machine and cutting machine maintenance guidance

Maintenance Guidance

1. Cleaning of the engraving machine fan

If the fan is used for a long time, a lot of solid dust will accumulate in the fan, which will make the fan generate a lot of noise, and is not conducive to exhaust and deodorization. When the suction power of the fan is insufficient and the smoke exhaust is not smooth, first turn off the power, remove the air inlet and outlet ducts on the fan, remove the dust inside, then turn the fan upside down, and pull the fan blades inside until it is clean. , and then install the fan.

2. Water replacement and water tank cleaning (it is recommended to clean the water tank and replace the circulating water once a week)

Cleaning the water tank: first turn off the power, unplug the water inlet pipe, let the water in the laser tube automatically flow into the water tank, open the water tank, take out the water pump, and remove the dirt on the water pump. Clean the water tank, replace the circulating water, restore the water pump to the water tank, insert the water pipe connecting the water pump into the water inlet, and arrange the joints. Power on the water pump alone and run it for 2-3 minutes (to fill the laser tube with circulating water).(it is recommended to clean the water tank and replace the circulating water once a week)

Cleaning the water tank: first turn off the power, unplug the water inlet pipe, let the water in the laser tube automatically flow into the water tank, open the water tank, take out the water pump, and remove the dirt on the water pump. Clean the water tank, replace the circulating water, restore the water pump to the water tank, insert the water pipe connecting the water pump into the water inlet, and arrange the joints. Power on the water pump alone and run it for 2-3 minutes (to fill the laser tube with circulating water).

Note: Make sure that the laser tube is filled with circulating water before the machine works.

The quality and temperature of the circulating water directly affect the service life of the laser tube. It is recommended to use pure water and control the water temperature below 35 ° C. If it exceeds 35 ° C, it is necessary to replace the circulating water, or add ice cubes to the water to reduce the water temperature (users are advised to choose a chiller).

3. Cleaning of the lens (it is recommended to clean before work every day, and the equipment must be turned off)

In the previous machine introduction, it has been mentioned that there are 3 mirrors and 1 focusing mirror on the engraving machine (the No. 1 mirror is located at the emission exit of the laser tube, which is the upper left corner of the machine, and the No. 2 mirror is located at the left end of the beam, The No. 3 mirror is located on the top of the fixed part of the laser head, and the focusing mirror is located in the adjustable lens barrel at the lower part of the laser head). The laser is reflected andfocused by these mirrors and emitted from the laser head. The lens is easily stained with dust or other contaminants, causing laser wear or damage to the lens. No. 1 and No. 2 lenses do not need to be removed when cleaning. Edge rotary wipe. The No. 3 lens and the focusing lens need to be taken out from the frame, wiped in the same way, and then put back as they are after wiping.


The lens should be wiped gently without damaging the surface coating;

The wiping process should be handled with care to prevent falling;

③ When installing the focusing lens, be sure to keep the concave side down. 

4.  the inspection of the optical path The optical path system of the laser engraving machine is completed by the reflection of the mirror and the focusing of the focusing mirror.

There is no offset problem of the focusing mirror in the optical path, but the three mirrors are fixed by the mechanical part, and the possibility of offset is relatively high. Large, although the deviation usually does not occur, it is recommended that the user must check whether the optical path is normal before each work.

5. Fastening of screws and couplings

After the motion system works for a period of time, the screws and couplings at the motion joints will be loose, which will affect the stability of the mechanical movement. Therefore, during the operation of the machine, it is necessary to observe whether there is abnormal noise or abnormal phenomenon in the transmission parts, and find problems in time. Sturdy and maintained. At the same time, the machine should tighten the screws one by one with a tool over a period of time. The first firming should be about a month after the device is used.

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